Home Health Why is the Pneumonia Vaccine Needed?

Why is the Pneumonia Vaccine Needed?

by Lady Violet
Pneumonia Vaccine

People would like to get the pneumonia vaccine nowadays. They wonder who should get the pneumonia vaccine. Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs with chemicals and microbes. The disease usually occurs when the patient coughs or sneezes through germ-containing droplets. Pneumonia can be treated more easily in healthy and young people than in the elderly. Especially after the weather gets colder, the time spent indoors increases during the winter months. That’s why infections spread easily and pneumonia cases are on the rise. A strong immune system protects against infections such as pneumonia. For this reason, it is very important to eat healthily and sleep regularly. Also, you should exercise, get fresh air and avoid stress.

Pneumonia Vaccine Types

How many types of pneumonia vaccine are there?

Viruses, bacteria, and fungi are among the factors of pneumonia that develop when the body’s resistance decreases. Mycoplasma Pneumoniae pneumonia is more common in school-age children, and viral pneumonia is more common in teenagers. The rate of viral pneumonia in adults is around 13%. Bacterial pneumonia is more common in adults.

Pneumonia is common in children, but they do not have severe and vital symptoms. In older adults, pneumonia can have fatal consequences. Not all pneumonia occurs with the same microbial factors. The vaccine is given to people in the risk group against the “pneumococcus bacteria”. This vaccine protects against pneumonia infections and saves lives. There are 2 types of vaccines that prevent pneumonia.

Diseases caused by pneumococcal bacteria

Pneumococcus bacteria, especially in winter when the immune system is weakened; can also cause sinusitis, inflammation of the bones, joints, pericardium, and brain abscesses. It is very important to be vaccinated to avoid serious symptomatic infections caused by pneumococcus. These bacteria cause diseases such as ear infections and sinusitis. Later, it affects the quality of life negatively and can cause serious damage.

Caused by these bacteria; Diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis, and blood poisoning are more dangerous than other infections. These can damage the brain and cause physical illness. So, the pneumococcal vaccine should be administered to risk groups to avoid these fatal diseases.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

The symptoms of pneumonia vary depending on the person’s body and the type of bacteria. These may be mild in people with strong immunity and severe in weak people. Symptoms of pneumonia are as follows:

  • Severe cough
  • Chest pain when breathing and coughing
  • Shake
  • High fever
  • Cough with phlegm

Who should get the pneumonia vaccine?

People be curious that who should get the pneumonia vaccine. The pneumonia vaccine is recommended for all adults 65 years and older. Sometimes it is recommended children and people under 65 be vaccinated.

The pneumonia vaccine is recommended for all adults aged 19-64 who smoke or have asthma. It is recommended for those who use steroid medications or are undergoing chemotherapy. Also, those with the following health problems should get the vaccine.

  • Heart diseases
  • Kidney failure
  • Nephrotic syndrome
  • Hodgkin’s disease
  • Damaged spleen
  • Lymphoma or leukaemia
  • Lung diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Cirrhosis
  • Cerebrospinal fluid leak
  • Sickle cell disease

PCV13 and PPSV23 pneumonia vaccines are recommended that adults aged 65 and over. The timing and order of vaccinations depending on the vaccinations you have had before. People at occupational risk, such as welders, are also recommended to have a pneumococcal vaccine. Those at high risk and those who were vaccinated before the age of 65 may need to be vaccinated after five years.

Allergic reaction after pneumonia vaccine

The serious allergic reaction is extremely rare with any vaccine. If an allergic reaction develops, it usually happens within an hour after vaccination. If an allergic reaction is encountered after the pneumonia vaccination, the nearest hospital should be consulted immediately. Symptoms of serious allergic reactions after vaccination are as follows:

  • Hives
  • Swelling of the face and throat
  • Feeling of weakness, lightheadedness
  • The complaint of shortness of breath
  • Rapid heartbeat

Pneumonia vaccine for adults over 65 years

The PPSV23 vaccine is 60-80 percent effective against invasive pneumococcal disease when given to immunocompromised individuals. In other words, the vaccine cannot be effective enough in people aged 65 and over or people with chronic diseases. The efficacy of this vaccine in preventing non-invasive pneumococcal pneumonia among adults 65 years and older is variable.

After the pandemic, it is now necessary to have the Covid-19 vaccine. There is still incomplete information about this vaccine. If you are unsure about which vaccine to get. Read the content titled Covid-19 Vaccine Types.

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